Lyrics & Translations of Palisades, Ca by Big Sean & Larry June

"Palisades, Ca" Lyrics "Palisades, Ca" has lyrics in English language. "Palisades, Ca" meaning comes from English language and currently not converted to english translation. NewmusicfromLarryJune,TheAlchemist&BigSean-Palisades,CAavailablenowonDatPiffYouTube!

"Palisades, Ca" Lyrics

"Palisades, Ca" has lyrics in English language.

"Palisades, Ca" meaning comes from English language and currently not converted to english translation.

New music from Larry June, The Alchemist & Big Sean - Palisades, CA available now on DatPiff YouTube!

#LarryJune #TheAlchemist #BigSean #PalisadesCA

