David Kernan Obituary, Death – We are deeply saddened to notify you of the passing of the incredibly talented David Kernan, who was 85 years old, yesterday. Highly respected in the entertainment business, Kernan’s remarkable career lasted for many years and left a lasting impression on the silver screen as well. Born in London, England, on June 23, 1938, David Kernan has been involved in the entertainment industry since the 1960s, when he was first exposed to it.
While he was most remembered for his humorous role as Nicholas in “Carry On Abroad,” his career went much further, showcasing his remarkable skill as an actor and singer. With his exceptional performances of Stephen Sondheim’s songs, Kernan made a significant addition to the world of musical theater. He performed in several theater musicals and became well-known in the 1960s and 1970s as a soloist on British variety shows, most notably “That Was the Week That Was” (1962–1963). In 1970, he added two more accomplishments to his resume: he took part in the first London production of the musical.
For his role in Sondheim’s “Side by Side,” Kernan was nominated in 1977 for a Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical. His genius was evident on the Broadway stage as well. His directing skills were on full display in Broadway shows like “Jerome Kern Goes to Hollywood.” Viewers were enthralled with Kernan’s performances on TV shows including “Upstairs, Downstairs” and “The Avengers”.
He starred in the 1980s in the television version of the holiday musical “She Loves Me,” which had a lasting effect on the small screen. Beyond his creative ability, David Kernan has made a significant contribution to society by pursuing a career marked by zeal, tenacity, and an unwavering commitment to his field. Both his fans and fellow artists will treasure his enduring influence on both sides of the Atlantic and his unforgettable appearances on BBC’s “The Good Old Days”.